Oct 25, 2004 22:43
just that chance of heavenly feeling going through my mind.
i just wish that people (boys) weren't so damned fucking stupid. i swear they don't get any smarter. no matter how i feel about them i just know that deep down that they'll never last. i start dating someone and i have this little voice say to me "P.J. give them a chance", but i know better than to waste my time chasing after someone that i know will never stick around. and for those that do want to stick around are the ones that i can't stand in the slightest and want to go away. it's a never ending battle this dating thing is. i just wish taht i had something that took up all of my time and i never had to worry about dating ever again.
just the other day at work i helped an elderly woman out to her car with some dog food and she asked me if i had a date that night. i thought it was rea;;y cute that she was asking and even cuter that she had no idea that i was gay even though i feel as if it's the most obvious thing about me. i'm not flamer but it is apparent that i'm gay in orientation. i guess that it's slight mannerisms that give me away. even when i'm trying my hardest to act straight i'm still given away by my habits of acting that i've had ever since i was little (according to my aunt).
why do gay men have to be so fucking stupid. why do they feel as if they can't show any hint of emotion? are they affraid that someone may fall in love with them and want to be with them forever? i just don't get it! i'm trying to find someone that i can be with for the rest of my life. i thought everyone was out looking for that. why is it that straight people will get married when they're 20 and gay men are out having sex with everyone and their brother? i just don't get it.
also i need to retrain myself on how to date. i need to realize that it is NOT normal for people have have sex on their first date and that the majority of the world will wait until they have been together for quite some time. my god, there are catholics that before they were married were virgins up until their wedding night. why is it that men can't be this way? TELL ME PLEASE SOMEONE WHY!!!!!!!!!!