Sep 23, 2005 16:08
im getting mixed signals from tiffany...again.
we were supposed to hang out yesterday, but then i called and she never picked up. then i left her a crying voicemail cause my parents and i got in a fight and i was upset and i wanted to talk. so she called me back around 11. she said he had to work...if she did then why did she tell me we would hang out around 4:30. o.O then she said she asked jen husband to try calling me and see where i was. and she said she called and left me a text. but i didnt get any texts or calls from her. then today i went into school after 3rd hour. so i met tiffany and morgan to walk to canton, and i was kinda out of it cause i was still kinda asleep and upset that tiff blew me off yesterday. and she was all concerned about me and she gave me one of her rings to wear? i dunno. but now im all confused. whatever. russell called today.<3. hes been away since thursday morning. hes still gone i think. his school makes all the high school kids go to this camp thing. so hes been gone but he called today. from a cell phone i think. he didnt get very much service so we only talked for a minute and i think he said "i'll just talk to you later then" but all i heard was "i'll just" then i had to hang up cause i couldn't hear anything. but it was nice just getting to talk to him for that minute. :) mmm. work today. until 10. then tomorrow i think russell and i are going to the apple orchard and then HOMECOMING! as nikkie said it one day to get gangsta. :D im not sure how long russell and i will stay. neither of us are much for dancing. we'll prolly go, see everyone. look cute. then come back to my house and watch a movie. oh well. i dont care if we dont stay long. i love getting all prettied up. then sunday i work and i get to do all my homework. boo. mhm...yep. im boring. i think i might work on a new lj layout or something fun.