Jul 19, 2005 09:29
GAH!!!! Of course I'll miss some things. Like the bar, the pool, the closeness of my friends, okay maybe even my parents a LITTLE bit. But come on! I think once you aren't a teenager anymore, your brain turns on a switch that says "okay, you have to be nice to them...but GET OUT!!!" honestly. I can't take it sometimes. I'm just writing about nothing big right now, but it really made me mad, for some reason. I wish I never walked with my mom this summer to begin with.
Last night it's gettin' around 1, and I am finally getting sleepy eyes. I have always been a night owl, my whole life. I do not see why this would magically change the WHOLE summer schedule of mine. I'd say for about 2 weeks, I would get up around 830, and walk with my mom. But then, I wouldn't be able to go to sleep early enough to wake up that early. I'd get in bed at 11 and toss and turn and toss and turn. Anyway, so I stopped. And since then I think EVERY FUCKING day she's like "hey Paige- you gonna walk with me tomorrow"? (I know I am sounding unreasonable) okay, well she called and woke me up mid-deep sleep. end of story. okay. I realize I am over reacting now. I just needed to vent.
I also realize how Shane feels when he's been working all night and then gets to sleep at 2 on a saturday, and I come and wake him up at 6. Looks like I won't be doing that anymore.
Today is only TUESDAY:( Blah. I guess you could say that I definitely woke up on the WRONG side of the bed. Now I feel bad for bein a maga-bitch to my mom.
I think another reason why I was so bitchy. Is that I was scheduled to work ALL damn weekend and my mom is like (first thing in the morning) I hope you don't have to work the weekend, it's supossed to be 99º (when she knows it's a miracle if I don't work a weekend haha) buthey, I will just milk it if ya know what I mean. okay, I am done venting. Thanks for listening to my bullshit.