Tra la la!!

Feb 05, 2004 02:17

Now I lay me own to sleep, I quiz myself for an lj updeete. I swear, I'm getting too good at these rhymes. Like my 'I'll break my Kahlua upside yo' medula!'. Just wait, I'm gonna be a big ol' MC. But yeah, very cool thing, we got in Donnie Darko shirts at Hot Topic. I myself was VERY excited to see them, being a fan of the movie, and I'm sure YOU WILL TOO! Yeah, I'm really, REALLY tired and should REALLY go to bed. But some cool news, my parents are taking me to Disneyworld in December with my brother (first old-skool Pumphrey family vacation in a loooong time, like, since I was in high school) and we both get to take someone, so I'm taking Jen. It's gonna rock hardcore though cuz last time I was at Disneyworld I was underage and got kicked out of a Wu-Tang concert (20 minutes before they even came out on stage) for unederage drinking. Baaah. But not THIS time, bucko! No way, I am gettin' TOE UP in some muddafuckin' Disneyworld. Shoot. It's gonna be SO FUN. Plus Jen's never been, and I've been like, 6 times so it'll be fun to take her around and have it be new for someone else. I'm such a dork when I get in Disneyworld, I swear. And we can get funny pictures with CHARACTERS! Ah ha haaa!


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