Jun 06, 2005 11:10
when comparing 1986 and 1992 all murders by all age group 2 percent, but murders by juveniles 16 years and younger went up 96 percent. In the same time period, rape by all age groups went up 7 percent but rapes by juveniles 16 years and younger went up 14 percent.
in the next 24 hours…
· 15,006 teens will use drugs for the first time.
· 1,439 teens will attempt suicide.
· 3,506 teens will run away.
· 2,795 teenage girls will become pregnant.
· 1 out of 4 teens will contract an STD.
every 4 minutes a teen is arrested for a alcohol related crime.
every 7 minutes a teen is arrested for a drug related crime.
every 2 hours a teen is killed.
*sighs* a mix between intresting and depressing, dontchya think?