Sep 28, 2009 01:49
I got completely inebriated last night.
Jungle juice with Bobby Justin Johnny Abby and Matt?
Fighting and yelling over the phone.
Drove Johnny home. "Not drunk, I swear."
Crashed there so I wouldn't pass out and die driving.
Woke up, went home, slept, went to work.
Left work to pick up my brother.
I completely. Fucked up. My car.
And now I'm left with nothing.
Sick fucking life.
At least I'm not hurt.
Only I wish I forgot my seat belt and flew out of the windshield and got ripped apart by oncoming traffic.
You think I'm kidding.
Didn't get to see Why?.
Didn't get to see Tim.
Won't have a life till I accumulate a couple thousand dollars.
Thank you for visiting me tonight, Jon.
I love you.
It is almost 2 in the morning and I'm not done my homework.
Maybe if I didn't spend 80% of my night bawling my eyes out I'd be asleep.
Fuck. I ruin so much.