Oct 01, 2006 23:13
drwn yr dmns: jess..im sorry, but i've fallen to far to think of good sides right now
paigel76: hey, when ur fallin ull eventually smash in2 the ground---but from there the only way out is up
drwn yr dmns: and what if you cant get up..
drwn yr dmns: what if the walls are to smooth to climb
paigel76: idk ull find a way to get up some how b/c ur not just gonna stay on the bottom forever
paigel76: someone will throw you a rope eventually
drwn yr dmns: you see...idn why but im the type of person who tries to find a way to make a change from the bottom
drwn yr dmns: and i dont think the rope is always a definite
paigel76: well mayb u can make a change from the bottom
paigel76: or at least start plotting
drwn yr dmns: i've seen many robes but none i can climb or were sturdy enough
paigel76: then those just havent been the right ones
paigel76: some1 will throw you a metal chain or a ladder and u will just kno
drwn yr dmns: just fear that'll be too late
paigel76: eh wut is 2 late n e way?
yup...this is what we talk about...and how we talk...on a daily basis...he is kinda cool...maybe just a little...