You can be a big bitch too!

Jul 29, 2015 04:17

If you would like to be added and get a glimpse at the ramblings of my life, comment to be added.

My name is Paige, I'm 18 years old and I attend the University of Alberta in Canada. I live in Edmonton at the moment, but I'm originally from Saskatoon.
I like it here in Canada, and you will come to learn that.
My fandoms include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Veronica Mars, Lost, One Tree Hill, AtS, Firefly. Basics.
I love playing volleyball but I absolutely adore, just like any Canadian, watching hockey. My favorite NHL team is Tampa Bay and if you have anything mean to say about them, shoo shoo. Well. Actually, stick around, but don't flame, I like friendly confrontation with non Tampa fans. *g*

Um....that's about it for now. Read my userinfo if you need a bit more, but these are the basics. Comment, introduce yourself and let me know how you stumbled across my humble abode.

If you are just interested in my graphics, mosey on over to mykindofcrack and friend that instead! That would be where my graphics live.

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