Mar 08, 2006 21:12
This isn't f-locked because if a certain somebody happens to drop by, they can see it. I'm really angry with how this Creamy Cherries aftermath has turned out.
I'm really happy that I came out on top, because that's the point of a challenge-- you hope to win.
What makes me really fucking mad is how my challenger has reacted. He claims that what Andy did in his journal was immature, and my comment to it was. Big deal, we made a joke. Yah, it might have been a little immature. But honestly, what he posted at his own journal, AND at Icon Rants was a little uncalled for and to me just demonstrated a fair amount of what being a "sore loser" means.
I'm sorry that you are upset that you lost. I'm sorry that you feel like you don't get enough comments on your icons. I'm sorry that you hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate me. But you know what, you knew being a member at Creamy Cherries that you were at risk of being challenged. You knew that being challenged, there was a chance of losing. And the fact that you're mad about so called "popularity," that is in no way my fault. I won at Creamy Cherries fair and square, and don't go reprimanding me for joking about some of the things you said because frankly you saying them in the first place kinda upset me too.