(no subject)

Sep 18, 2005 11:15

How about yesterday was moderate/lame. Ok, I wake up && Jessica called me wanting to go get her shit back from "peehead" because she was gone. So we go to Ihop && get balloons so when we showed up to her house the neighbors wouldn't get suspicious. I named the kid who was getting us balloons 'Flash Duncan' because he was moving so fucking slow! So we broke into her house && stole sooo much shit. Uhm, then we came back to my house && I asked my mom if I could go purchase pearls from Walmart so I could make pearl necklaces. So she gave meher debit card && I bought pearls, string, sour gummy worms && Icees! Woot! Then uh, we went to Taco Bell && got cheesy potatoes && a crunchwrap because they are god! Then uhm, she left && my moms friend Dawn came over && then uh.. Jessica called me from the mall saying "Yeah, how about they were talking about you in the skate shop && I set them straight". adfdafdfasd;afdas! I am soo tired of people talking shit about me! Bah! && it is all because of Allen && Taylor. They can just go die or something because I wouldn't care. I didn't even have sex with Allen. It was all a joke. That kid is N to the A to the S to the T to the Y! Yeah.. so him && his poser ass girlfriend can stop telling people I have something that I don't or I swear to GOD I'm going to fucking kill them. Like yall doubt that I would fuck them up. Yeah, but I would. I'm a craaazy bitch.

Other than that I met some kid on Myspace. Bah! I found out his age && immediately stopped talking to him. Lol.

Well, I'm going to go do some laundry before my dad gets here && takes us out to breakfast. Peace up A-town down.
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