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Never played this game, but my sister has it. Its like Harvest Moon...but with monsters...and half the characters being girls. How fun. :3
Two friends of mine might take Blackie #2 after I mentioned that I'm giving him away for free. I COULD charge...but I could careless about the money, I just want them to be in a good home. He eats everything though. French fries, french toast, carrots, ice cream. That leaves only Kyo...but nobody wants her. Yes her eyes are freaky, and she does stare at you for a long period of time, but she is adoruble. And apparently female cats are bitches.
.......I shouldn't be on the computer right now...I have to finish my Senior Scrapbook. But its going take FOREVER. I didn't even start it. Plus I added a chapter "My Artwork." Which means I have to draw about three pictures to fill up some pages..and for the book to be at least interesting. Hopefully in college I won't be so lazy....