GHP week: the last

Jul 17, 2005 13:01

Okay so yesterday was my last full Saturday at GHP and today is my last Sunday. This is completely heart breaking. Yesterday was supposed to be amazing though but it really wasn't. As a matter of fact it kind of ended badly. . . Oh well. I'm kind of looking forward to being back home, though, and having everything back to normal. I'll miss here but there's not much I can do about it so. . . yeah. . .

I found out like three days ago that my new friend Tracy cannot swim. It was greatly upsetting, to say the least. lol. She said that she had mentioned this before but I'm pretty sure she didn't. Now, I have to teach her how to swim in one week. Can it be done?? Oh I think so. lol. Oh, and my friend Zach walked me through and ant pile yesterday. Geez, what a jerk!!!! I mean. . . lol. jk. I feel bad because he wanted me to go to lunch with him today but I was having a picnic on West Lawn. lol. My first picnic of all time. Esta got cherries and bread yesterday when her parents came to visit so it was lots of fun. Oh and I don't know if I ever mentioned this but I got my very first grass stains while I was here (this was like fourish weeks ago. . . ) I was very excited about that. I felt like a real person. haha. That sounded weird.

I don't really know if I have anything else to say. . . Think. Think. Think. Nope. I think I'm out. Oh wait I remember. Would anyone care to update me about all of the nonsense that has been going on at the pool because I don't want to come back completely in the dark, you know. thanks.

*Note: I have just reread this entry and realized that the grass stains part should probably be explained more fully for all my friends whose minds tend to dwell in the gutter. THe aforementioned grass stains were acquired during a large game of keep away. It was very fun and entirely appropriate. Thank you very much!


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