Mar 24, 2006 12:00
I am so glad the week is finally over. It has been, like, soooo stressful. I mailed out about a billion college apps, even though there's only one that I really want to go to messed that one up though. I haven't even really seen Spin, which is totally stupid because, hello, we go to the same school.. you'd at least think we could meet in the hallways or something! Spinner, have you been kidnapped or something? I miss you. You can't just do something super-romantic, win me back, and then disappear off the face of the planet!
And for anyone who didn't hear the news, I totally kicked Craig's butt at bowling awhile back! HAHA. Okay so maybe we didn't exactly go bowling at all, unless the new definition of bowling happens to be "extreme vandalization of the house that Manny Santos is currently living in." Eggs, toilet paper, the works. It was awesome. She deserves it. I don't even care that it wasn't her house, that probably just makes it more embarrassing for her. I hope she gives Alex herpes.
Since I quit my job, I thought I'd have loads of time to relax but this whole college thing really takes a lot of time. I just hope it pays off. Not that I'm expecting to get into Banting now, but at least a good substitute.