Mar 22, 2005 19:04
weLL..fiRst oFF..wE hAd a GamE toDay..wE loST 16-4*..wE nEEd a LoT oF woRK..*but iM gueSSin yA cou|d te||..* I hIt a hoMer..and weNt 4-4*
movIn oN To whY iM uPdaTin...*
why aRe boYs aSSes??..caN anYonE anSwEr tHat...?whAT's thEir dEal..*
thEY lOve yoU sO muCH oNe daY thEn a coMpleTe aSS thE nExT wEEk..* anD whY do GiRls..lOve thE guYs whO tReat thEm liKe diRt??...whEn thEY coUld haVe soMeonE whO wouLd bE gOOd to eM'...?shEw...I loVe MicaH to DeaTH...bUt hEs goT thEsE daYs whEre I cou|d ki|| hiM..*bUt I NevEr sAy noThiN tO hIm wE nEvEr fiGHt..aN i doN't waNNa saY anyThinG tO caUSe uS tOO..*but hE aiN't neVer ActEd |ikE iS b4..*hEs bEEn diThciN mE |ate|y..nEvEr waNts tO dO anyThiNg anYmoRE..thEn hE huNg uP oN mE earLier..diN't ComE to mY gaME.. woN't evEn ta|k tO mE nOw...hEs bEEn N a huRRy tO geT oFF thE phoNe w/ mE a|| daY* i thInk hE haTes me noW oR soMethin...bUt I haVen'T evEn doNe anYthIng...*i'M sO gOOd tO hIm..aN wouLd dO anYthiNg I coUlD to hElp hIm oR maKe hiM haPPy..*I jUst WanT uS tO gO BAcK to tHe Way wE uSed tO B whEn wE wASs bOth haPPy...anD rea||y shoWed wE loVed EachE otHEr..*actua|y heS pro||y juSt taRed oF mE*I doN't NO..I'm BoUt to GivE uP oN hIm..eVen tHo I rea||y doNt waNNA hE mEAnS tO muCh tO mE..buT mayBe hEs hoPiN i'|| bReak uP w/ hIm sO hE aiN't goTTA dO iT..*hE aCts liKe hE ain't GoT nO fee|iNs towArd mE anYmOre...*bUt I'm goNNa gO laY doWn anD thiNk bOut soMe stuFF..anD trY to ta|k to Him..anD sEE whAts goIn oN..* i JusT pRay tO gOd..tHat eRthiNg woRks oUt..* I hAVe thIS fee|iN thAt hE fEE|s i aIn'T gOd eNouGh fOr hiM..*aNd I fEE| thE saMe waY..*goD i'|| bE |oSt iF i |oSe hiM..hE hoNesT|y iS mY evEryThiNG..*
She looked up at him with (tEaRs) in HeR eYeS .. and asked him if ShE wOuLd be *good* enough for him
You are my Every dream come true
My Every prayer that has been answered
Your in my Every thought
You truly are my Everything
I lOVe u Ms.. { i juSt hoPe u sti|| fEE| thA saME..}
I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. And, my darling, you will always be mine.-The Notebook
LoVe ya||..*
LeAvE mE soMe...*