Oct 12, 2005 14:46
this is a "Did You Know?" that I decided to make last night because I've realized that most people dont know some things that maybe they dont care about... but maybe you should know just in case and that way you know a little more about me and my thoughts and stuff like that... so here goes
Did You Know?
-every day i grow more and more obsessed with techno music, and im not ashamed of it
- ive been cheated on by every guy ive ever dated... not including Enri ::knock on wood::
- today I wore a shirt that I haven't worn in three years because a girl I hated told me I looked like a farmer and that pisses me off to this day
- my belly button isnt really in... but its not very out either
- i hate cheesecake
- i believe that penises in women's mouths is degrading as hell
- i didnt have breasts until about the middle/end of last year
- i cry easily
- i dont feel threatened by basically anyone that ive ever met in my entire life
- i suck in school, but i really do try ::A.D.D.::
- i dont really shave my legs unless i know there is a possibility that Enri might touch them
- i changed my life- long favorite gum brand and flavor because you mentioned you didnt like it once
- i want to work at MAC
- i think Hollister is for posers
- i shop at Hollister
- i think i'm one of the few original thinkers left in this generation
- i dont give many people a real chance
- i use people to entertain my life
- im shit broke for the 1st time in my spoiled life and ive found it to be the most depressing thing encounterable
- i want a tat but will never make up my mind where and what therefore i will never get one
- i want to get my labret pierced
- i hate my hair cut and color and its changing soon
- i dont give a fuck if you dont like it
- i suck at polishing nails and i hate polishing nails period
- i hate cooking for almost everyone
- i love baking things for myself and friends
- i dont hate anybody i know
- i secretly passionately dislike people that ive never even talked to
- most girls suck
- bio 2 actually teaches you some things
- i want to be an english teacher
- i want to be a psychologist
- i want to be a police officer... not man
- im somewhat of a feminist, although i dislike most women
- i guess this means im just really independent and sexist because i dislike most men too
- i miss having a few close friends because now i have a shit load of fake ones
- according to weezer "we are all on drugs, yeah."
- that weezer song is stuck in my head
- i love attention from my boyfriend
- too many people say i have a perfect relationship and i ask why and all they can come up with is that "we are both good looking"
- sometimes im jealous of other relationships
- i oppose the war, fighting, and the army profusely
- im in love but feel that i will be heartbroken at any second all the time
- im conceited in public
- im a little more than sort of self conscious in private
- i love long hot showers when nobody's home
- chances are if im talking shit to you about someone else, ive more than likely talked shit about you at one point or another
- ive never lost a neck and neck race while running
- im competetive as hell
- i can probably out- run majority of people i know
- sometimes i pray that a person will talk shit to me so i can beat the shit out of them and feel better about my day
- sometimes i secretly wish that someone would kick my ass
- i find ass kissers to be pathetic but if you kiss my ass right ill eventually become your real friend
- my favorite complimentary word is 'adorable'
- i also like being called 'tiny' when referring to my size
- i dont necessarily like fat people
- i guess that means im an asshole
- i hate driving slower than 55mph
- i probably will never date a guy that doesnt play a sport well
- i hate it when im talking about me and mariana and the other person will say "mariana is so quiet!" or "mariana is so shy!" cuz i have to sit there kinda giggling saying 'not really' when really im thinking im her best friend you fucking moron obviously she isnt quiet with me and i think id know... and shy sort of suggests fear, shes not scared of you she just obviously doesnt like you or else she'd talk to you now wouldnt she?
- the song living in your letters by dashboard confessional confuses the hell out of me although i know all of the words... so i listen to it on repeat while im on the computer sometimes because its a great song
- i almost slapped my sister yesterday because she told me its an annoying song
- im a touchy feely person and i touch basically everyone that i talk to
- i planned to write most of this yesterday and i didnt sleep very well last night because i was really thinking about who i am and how i think
- there'll always be a place... for you... in my heart< probably the second best line in 'living in your letters'