it's not like i'm the only who has done this.

Feb 22, 2005 17:27

[x] Full Name: Carl A. Escalera
[x] Nick names: i'm not telling, kike.
[x] First Breath: december 9, 1988
[x] Age: sixteen.
[x] Girl or Boy: boy.
[x] Height: like, 6 feet or something.
[x] Hair color: dark brown.
[x] Eye color: brown.
[x] Glasses/Contacts: glasses.
[x] Braces: yep.
[x] Where were you born: pssh. i don't know.
[x] Current Location: here.
[x] Today's Date: i think it's the 22nd of February.
[x] Time: 4:39:05


[x] Mother's name: Kim.
[x] Father's name: Carl.
[x] Brother's name: n/a.
[x] Sister's name: Monica.
[x] Favorite aunt: Amy.
[x] Favorite uncle: Dustin.
[x] Favorite cousin: all my cousins suck, but Nate is getting more decent by the minute.
[x] Favorite grandpa: Robin.
[x] Favorite grandma: Rex.


[x] What grade are you in: sophomore.
[x] Current G.P.A: i think like, a 2.5 or something.
[x] Favorite grade: 9th.
[x] Least favorite grade: 7th.
[x] Favorite teacher: Mr. Brooks and Mr. McCabe.
[x] Least favorite teacher: that fucking faggot Mr. Hipolito and Mrs. Classen.
[x] Favorite subject: English.
[x] Least favorite subject: black history.
[x] Do you play sports/ extracurricular activites: no. i'm too damn decent.

[x] Number: sixty-four.
[x] Letter : L.
[x] Toy : building blocks and shit.
[x] Movie : Spinal Tap.
[x] T.V show: Fresh Prince Of Bel Air and The Sifl & Olly Show.
[x] Shoes: Etnies, fool.
[x] Clothing: short sleeved shirts and jeans.
[x] Cologne/Perfume: Fierce.
[x] Song: Alaska by Between The Buried And Me.
[x] Candy: Jolly Ranchers.
[x] Food: Burgers.
[x] Singer: Tommy Rogers.
[x] Group: The Red Chord.
[x] Type of music: tech metal, progressive, death metal, anarcho punk & crust punk.
[x] Hangout: right here at the computer where i'll be for the rest of my life.
[x] Fastfood Restaurant: In & Out.
[x] Season: Winter.
[x] Day: Tuesday.
[x] Weekday: Tuesday.
[x] Month: February.
[x] Shampoo: that Head & Shoulders stuff that makes your head tingle. it's decent.
[x] Deodorant: whatever is in the cabinet.
[x] Car: cars are for wusses.
[x] Country: here.
[x] State: here.
[x] Boy's name: Dave.
[x] Girl's name: Carolynn and Julie.
[x] Music video: all music videos suck.
[x] Word: decent.
[x] Swear word: damn it.


[x] George Bush: decent.
[x] Laguna Beach: that is the most retarded name ever.
[x] Jessica Simpson: idiot.
[x] Hilary Duff: idiot.
[x] Britney Spears: idiot.
[x] Fuck: you.
[x] Orange: green.
[x] Love: the ladies.
[x] Gay: no.
[x] Donut: cylinder.
[x] Water: graph.
[x] Touture: dictionary?
[x] Death: axial.
[x] Heaven: white.
[x] Hell: spires.


[x] Rock or Rap: rock.
[x] Rap or Pop: rap.
[x] Rock or Pop: rock.
[x] R&B or Rock: rock.
[x] Metal or Rock: metal.
[x] Pop or R&B: pop.
[x] Pop or Metal: metal.
[x] Rap or R&B: rap.
[x] Britney or Christina: Britney.
[x] Hilary or Lindsay: Hilary.
[x] Chad Michael Murray or Jude Law: i don't know who either of them are.
[x] Gay or Lesbian: gay.
[x] Usher or Justin Timberlake: Usher.
[x] Basketball or baseball: basketball, unless it's Bad News Baseball.
[x] Pen or pencil: pen.
[x] Skateboard or rollerblade: skateboard.
[x] Ski or snowboard: snowboard. because skiing is for wusses and it's not an extreme sport.
[x] Me or you: you.
[x] Dora or Blue: bofem.
[x] Red or Blue: red.



[x] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: pssh. no.
[x] What is he/she's name: n/a.
[x] When did you get together: n/a.
[x] How long have you been together: n/a, again.
[x] How did you meet: :(
[x] How many friends do you have: a bunch.
[x] Do you smoke: no.
[x] What about drink: no.
[x] Are you a virgin: yep.
[x] If no, when was the last time: pssh.


[x] Best friend(s): i'm not listing people.
[x] Known the longest: Mohammed.
[x] Craziest: Steven.
[x] Shyest: nobody.
[x] Sweetest: Amanda.
[x] Nicest: ""
[x] Most likely to get lost: Steven. then he would blame me for it. 8-)
[x] Most likely to fall in love a lot: pssh. Steven.
[x] Scariest: Steven and Whitey when they're together.
[x] Best hair: me, fool. 8-)
[x] Most athletic: Amanda.
[x] Most likely to say, "Do you have to be Dutch to wear Von Dutch?": Didier, even though she's not my friend.
[x] Tallest: next to me, it's like, Ander, i think.
[x] Shortest: Ray.
[x] Always there when you need them: nobody.
[x] Loudest: Mohammed.
[x] Funniest: Steven.
[x] Hottest: starts with an A, fool.
[x] Best dressed: we all dress like crap.


[x] What do you think about gay/lesbian people: i don't care.
[x] George Bush: decent.
[x] Suicide: not a big deal, but it is to your relatives and friends.
[x] Boy bands: decent (times two.)
[x] The color pink: decent.


[x] today: woke up. went to school. came home and started doing this.
[x] Christmas: nothing special. it's the same every year.
[x] Thanksgiving: ate and chilled.
[x] Easter: i can't remember.
[x] Valentine's Day: nothing.
[x] Yesterday: see "Today."
[x] Last weekend: i chilled. i think at Steven's because that all i do on the weekends.


[x] You ate: Chili Cheese Fritos.
[x] Hugged: it was like, a half-hug from Amanda because i suck at hugging.
[x] Kissed: pssh.
[x] Drank: Arizona Green Tea.
[x] You listened to: Destructo Spin by BTBAM.
[x] Person you saw: my sister.
[x] Person you talked to: Mohammed.
[x] Person you fucked: Mohammed.


[x] Are you straight: yep.
[x] Are you Asian: HAHAHAHA. NO. NO. GOD. NO.
[x] Are you Caucasian: maybe.
[x] Are you Mexican: yeah.
[x] Are you non of the above: what?
[x] Do you like eggs: yep.
[x] What about candy: yeah.
[x] Girls: yes.
[x] Guys: i don't get this.
[x] You: no.
[x] Still friends with your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend: yep.
[x] Am i annoying you: yes.

- Current Clothes: my decent green shirt.
- Current Mood: normal.
- Current Music: Lost Perfection A.) Coulrophobia by BTBAM.
- Current Taste: nothing.
- Current Make-up: none.
- Current Hair: like it always is.
- Current Smell: nothing.
- Current thing I ought to be doing: eating.
- Current Desktop Picture: it's just blue.
- Current Favorite Artist: Luke Chueh or whatever.
- Current Favorite Group: BTBAM.
- Current Book: i hate books.
- Current CD in CD Player: i don't have any portable music devices, fool.
- Current tape in VCR: Spinal Tap.
-Current DVD in DVD Player: most likely Casino.
- Current Color Of Toenails: umm. lucent.
- Current Refreshment: nothing.
- Current Worry: getting Jolly Ranchers.

[ ARE Y0U .. ]
- Understanding: 95%.
- Open-minded: yep.
- Arrogant: yes.
- Insecure: sometimes.
- Interesting: occasionally.
- Easily Amused: yes.
- Random: yeah.
- Hungry: yes.
- Friendly: yeah.
- Smart: apparently.
- Moody: not at all.
- Childish: yes.
- Independent: no.
- Healthy: kinda.
- Emotionally Stable: 50%.
- Shy: yeah.
- Difficult: yep.
- Bored Easily: yeah.
- Messy: very.
- Thirsty: yes.
- Responsible: when i need/want to be.
- Obsessed: yeah.
- Angry: no.
- Sad: kind of.
- Happy: kind of.
- Hyper: never.
- Trusting: yes.
- Talkative: to certain people.

[ WH0 D0 Y0U WANT T0 .. ]
- Kill: that faggot Merci Barnes.
- Slap: " "
- Get High With: " "
- Tickle: " "
- Look Like: not Merci Barnes.
- Talk To Offline: haha. Amanda.
- Talk To Online: " "

[ iN THE LAST 24 H0URS, HAVE Y0U .. ]
- Cried? no.
- Helped someone? no.
- Bought something? a honey bun and chili cheese fritos.
- Gotten sick? no.
- Gone to the movies? no.
- Gone out for dinner? no.
- Said "I love you"? no.
- Written a real letter? no.
- Moved on? no.
- Talked to an ex? yeah.
- Talked to someone you have a crush on? yeah.
- Had a serious talk? no.
- Missed someone? yeah.
- Hugged someone? yeah.
- Fought with your parents? no.
- Fought with a friend? no.

[ D0 Y0U .. ]
- Wear eye shadow? i would if my dad wasn't a wuss about it.
- Put on a "front"? no.
- Have a crush on someone? yeah.
- Eat with your mouth open? NO. GOD, NO.
- If you got a tattoo, where would you get it? on left arm.
- What color is your floor/carpet in your room? dark green.
- What was the last CD you bought? The Silent Circus by BTBAM.
- How did you spend last summer? home.
- When's the last time you showered? this morning.
- Are you lonely? yeah.
- Are you happy? sorta.
- Are you wearing pajamas? no.
- Are you talking to someone online? Ander.
- What is your astrological sign? i think it's Sagittarius.

[ Love ]
- Current Crush: uhh. Amanda.
- First Love: pssh.
- First Kiss: Amanda.
- First Hug:: i don't know, fool.
- Kindergarten Crush: i forgot.
- 1st Grade Crush: i forgot.
- 2nd Grade Crush: i forgot.
- 3rd Grade Crush: i forgot.
- 4th Grade Crush: i forgot.
- 5th Grade Crush: i forgot.
- 6th Grade Crush: i forgot.
- 7th Grade Crush: Alexis.
- 8th Grade Crush: Marla.
- 9th Grade Crush: Marla/Amanda.
- 10th Grade Crush: Amanda.
- 11th Grade Crush: n/a.
- 12th Grade Crush: n/a.
- Ever Dated Somone Online: umm. no.
- Do You Want To: no.
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