Challenge accepted! Here are my random photos

Nov 09, 2023 00:18

Whimsical Halloween decorations always bring a smile. I like the creative choice of drawing a friendly face on the gourd instead of carving it into a jack-o-lantern.

A rare event in my part of California -- snow on the mountaintops. This is Mt Hamilton, 4,265 feet (1,300 m) elevation, in March 2023. The snow was gone a day later, because it doesn't stay cold enough for that here.

One of several ephemeral vernal pools under observation by biologists at the Warm Springs Unit of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. This pool has dried up already. The yellow flowers in the background are goldfields.

Fern fronds make rhythmic patterns in the redwood forest undergrowth.

Cottonwood leaves provide brilliant autumn color along San Francisquito Creek. Shortly after I took this pic I lost my footing in thick mud in the creek bed and fell, breaking my shoulder. It's taken a year to recover from it, and in spite of on-going physical therapy I am still left with limited range of motion.

#photochallenge2023, fern, halloween, autumn, snow, sign

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