Windy Hill
Here are pics from a visit to the creek and a bit of trail in
Windy Hill Open Space Preserve on Monday.
A deer disappears into the woods next to the trail.
California buttercup, and forget-me-nots.
Looking upstream, on either Corte Madera Creek or Damiani Creek; the maps are ambiguous about the nomenclature.
The view from up the trail a bit.
Blue dicks (Dichelostemma capitatum) is a pretty native wildflower with a funny name, supposedly derived from a shortening of the genus name Dichelostemma.
Pacific ninebark is coming into bloom.
A small clump of Fernald's iris next to the trail.
A western skink pauses near the trailhead. Skinks are found in woodlands and clearings near creeks and rivers, and eat insects and other small invertebrates, including spiders and sow bugs.
Oh hai!