NWR Ravenswood Trail
On Saturday D. and I visited the Ravenswood Trail at the
National Wildlife Refuge, and I took some pics.
The trail runs along a salt evaporation pond, which is bright red due to halophilic bacteria living in the water.
Mesembryanthemum in bloom.
A little sandpiper trots along the crust of salt at the edge of the pond.
The trail.
White pelicans wheel over Ravenswood Slough.
A dead crab on the levee.
Power lines stride along the landscape, like an electric forest.
A little glob of algae, surrounded by bubbles, floats on the water.
Maintenance boardwalks lead to the power lines.
A wing, probably from a gull.
Looking toward the Dumbarton Bridge.
Unappetizing-looking scum builds up at the edges of some ponds.
Looking straight up from the bottom of the one the power line towers.