Los Altos Redwood Grove
Due to my wheelchair battery still malfunctioning, on Sunday D. and I went to the nearby
Los Altos Redwood Grove Nature Preserve, because I couldn't handle walking very far and there were places to sit plus a smooth boardwalk that made what little walking I did easier. Here are some of the pics I took.
A ripening blackberry next to Adobe Creek.
A large turkey vulture feather in the stony creek bed.
Another turkey vulture feather in the damp dirt.
Cress likes the moist soil near the creek.
A lot of the creek is underground now, at the end of the dry season, but eventually we find a small pool.
Dried fennel seed heads are a sign summer is winding down.
Farther upstream where the creek is still flowing, we see a few three-spined stickleback (it is very difficult to get a good pic of small fish darting quickly through blurry water).
Sword ferns catch a beam of sunlight filtering through the redwoods.
The boardwalk trail through the preserve.