Watching Jets From Bayfront Park
On Sunday, after doing an errand in San Francisco, D. and I visited
Bayfront Park in Burlingame to watch the jets take off and land at San Francisco International Airport immediately to the north, as well as to enjoy the paved paths, fresh air and sunshine, and wildlife in the salt marsh at the edge of the Bay. Here are some of the pics I took.
A hopeful pigeon prances at the edge of the trail, looking for a handout.
A United jet takes off to the west on an international flight.
An Air France double-decker Airbus A380 waits to take off. Fully loaded, it weighs 1,265,000 pounds, or over 630 tons.
A Virgin America Airbus A320 comes in to land in front of the Air France jet. That is not an optical illusion -- at 123 feet long, its entire length could fit onto one wing of the giant Air France A380.
A domestic flight takes off to the north.
The Air France jet begins its taxi to take off. You can see the double-decker rows of windows.
Up, up and away.
A look at San Francisco Bay, and the salt marsh, south of the airport.
Another domestic flight takes off.
A different kind of wings are seen here -- a curlew, in this case, landing on a small islet in the marsh. The noise from the jets doesn't seem to bother the birds.
A huge Japan Airlines Boeing 777 taxis from the international terminal toward the runway. As huge as it is, it is still dwarfed by that enormous Air France double-decker Airbus A380.
A look at the weird wing of a British Airways Boeing 747 on the taxiway.
The British Airways jet taking off for Heathrow.
More wildlife at Bayfront Park -- snowy egrets, and a great egret in the Bay.
Finally, some weirdness screen-capped from the Google Maps satellite view of SFO -- two jets superimposed on each other give the appearance of a horrible crash, but it's just an imaging glitch.