Picchetti Ranch Open Space Preserve
On Saturday D. and I wanted to go to McClellan Ranch because it was flat, near a creek, and not too far away. But when we got there we found the trail closed due to high water and unsafe conditions, so we had to come up with a Plan B quickly. We decided on
Picchetti Ranch Open Space Preserve, to see how full the seasonal pond had become after all the recent rains. Here are some of the pics I took.
The view from the Zinfandel Trail.
Poison oak is starting to sprout.
An Anna's hummingbird approaches almond blossoms to feed on their nectar.
Almond blossoms.
The pond is brimming full.
More underbrush is sprouting along the pond's shore.
California newts are swimming in the pond.
A mallard drake swims across the pond.
Branches overhead.
A ring-necked duck enjoys the pond.
On our way back we stop to look at the Stevens Creek Reservoir, and are happy to see how full it is now, after being almost empty following too many years in a row of drought.