Golden Gate Heights Park
On Saturday D. had to scout out a couple of photo shoot locations in San Francisco, so I tagged along. While we were there we took a short walk in
Golden Gate Heights Park, and I took some pics.
California poppy, the official state flower.
Floofs of California aster wait for the wind to blow their seeds away.
The west side of the park shows some of the original sand dune that was here before the trees were planted.
The view to the northwest shows Golden Gate Park and the Marin Headlands in the distance.
A bumblebee visits a California aster.
Golden yarrow.
Sutro Tower rises above the neighborhood rooftops to the northeast.
A daisy reaches for a ray of sun.
The summit, 812' above sea level, would offer million-dollar views if these trees hadn't been planted.
A red admiral butterfly visits a lavender blossom on the east side of the park.