San Bruno Mountain Park
On Saturday D. and I paid another visit to
San Bruno Mountain State and County Park, and I took some pics as we walked part of the Saddle Loop Trail.
The canopy overhead, cypress and blue gum.
A daisy pokes up from the forest floor into a ray of sunshine.
A view of the broadcast antennas on the ridge of the mountain.
Winter cress is starting to bloom.
Vast stands of invasive, non-native broom infest large tracts on the mountainside.
A curve in the trail gives us a peek at some amazing views to the north.
Holly buds, about to pop open.
We reach the crest and behold sweeping views of San Francisco.
The Pacific Ocean on the horizon to the west.
Looking toward the South Bay.
Another look at the ridge behind us.
The first blooms of Central Coast Iris have begun popping up.
Narcissississississusus. (Someone planted this here; it's not native, and, while pretty, it doesn't belong.)
The Saddle Loop Trail.
A raven pauses next to the trail to eye us.
Footsteps Of Spring coming into bloom.
A dried seed head glows in the afternoon sun.