Babelfishing Poetry: "People Are Tasty, Tasty"
Hey blog peeps! I hope you've all been fine and well? No upsets? No disasters? No tornadoes, floods, unexpected sinkholes, avalanches, mudslides, blizzards, hailstorms, lightning strikes? I hope not, I really do. Because that would be awful, to say the least. Anyway, get ready for more Babelfishing poetry, where I take song lyrics, run them through an on-line translator such as (but not necessarily) Babelfish, kludge the punctuation a bit, and wind up with a quirky kind of poem.
This week's song, Taylor Swift's "
Shake It Off," is about what she's learned from dealing with her detractors (watch her video
here, or watch Dwayne Johnson lip sync it on Jimmy Fallon
here). Enjoy.
People Are Tasty, Tasty
Too late I will,
in ships of sound movement.
I think this is because people are tasty, tasty.
I am to be tread upon,
but I am nothing and me.
He said those who are most uncomfortable, comfortable,
but only moderately.
No stoppages! no stop occurs.
Spoken like a good Music,
"there is a problem."
Sphere has a new approach, new long.
Too, o Muhammad, and find it, o Muhammad, and too, o Muhammad, and find it, o Muhammad, and find it, o Muhammad, and too, o Muhammad.
Heart breaker score, score, score, score, and the rest.
bully Normal University. OPPA OPPA;
baby it's wonky wonky, I just shake private hands, ho.
Bought, start, bought, start, and the degassing view dropped.
missed a beat.
There is no electricity.
Natural tin-blind snake, English-friendly mouth; delicious.
Driver halted in the primary
Our road; English-friendly mouth, delicious.
Why we know the way -- delicious-friendly mouth, come.
Hey nonny;
and discover the world of dirty, dirty cheating, however.
PATIENT, or get Beat.
This person, sum of 26 other predecessors,
and like a "hallelujah!", but shaken.
Good guys in the room, I thank you, wet hair.
Supply of two child? me, one identity, identity, we "friendly."
This is the case.
vibration, vibration, I light.
Private vibration, transverse vibration, light.
Strike-slip body, body
vibration, vibration, I light.
Private vibration, transverse vibration, light.