McClellan Ranch Preserve
On Saturday D. and I visited
McClellan Ranch Preserve (a former horse ranch from the 1930s featuring a nature museum, community garden and historic buildings), where we visited its Junior Nature Museum and walked the nature trail alongside Stevens Creek. Here are some of the pics I took.
Colorful buckets outside the Junior Nature Museum.
Inside the Junior Nature Museum we see a cattle skull wearing a cozy scarf, a bearded dragon and a collection of skulls and bones.
Outside on the nature trail next to Stevens Creek, we find a cryptic note on the banks and an offering of flowers in the water.
Bare sycamore branches sprawl overhead.
Stevens Creek.
A sweet gum leaf glows in the afternoon sunshine.
The woods next to the creek.
Another look at Stevens Creek.
Interesting things overhead: a raven perched on a sycamore branch, and the moon and a contrail.
Cottonwoods are brilliant yellow.
One last look at Stevens Creek before we go back home.