Permanente Creek Trail
On Sunday D. and I took a stroll on a short section of the Permanente Creek Trail, near the Google campus. We both took some pics; mine first.
At Google's headquarters, there are googlebuildings spread out all over the place, one after the other. Googleworkers use these googlebikes to get around the googlecampus.
Looking east along Amphitheatre Parkway. The Diablo Range is visible in the distance, across the Bay.
There are several California buckeye trees along the trail, naked now except for their lingering fruit of buckeye pods.
We spot a hawk in a tree next to the trail. It is a juvenile Red-Shouldered Hawk.
The Charleston Rd. overcrossing.
In the creek, we see a snowy egret.
The egret becomes alarmed as the red-shouldered hawk flies right over the creek.
It soon settles down again to resume its fishing activities.
It is a very pretty bird.
We see several mallards in the creek.
Further up the trail, a cat is investigating the waterfowl activity in the creek.
We see another egret, a great egret in the creek.
Snowy egrets are smaller and have black bills and yellow feet. Great egrets are larger and have yellow bills and black legs and feet.
A loud racket draws our attention to a belted kingfisher loudly scolding the red-shouldered hawk, who has flown into another tree along the creek.
In addition to all the loud scolding, the kingfisher also daringly flew directly into the flight path of the hawk in its attempt to drive it away.
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And here are D.'s pics.
The trailhead. Part of a googlebuilding is visible on the left.
Mahonia leaves are turning color along the trail.
Snowy egret.
More autumn color.
The great egret comes in for a landing in the creek.
The red-shouldered hawk flees a group of crows harassing it.