Поломанные стереотипы

Apr 30, 2012 01:31

Американец Трой, проехавший более 10 тыс км. на велосипеде из Пекина в Малайзию, которого мы принимали у себя в доме в Краби через каучсерфинг, написал про нас пару строк у себя в блоге о том, как мы разрушили его стереотипы
о семьях с детьми и путешествиях.


Due to Krabi’s popularity with travels the prices for everything have been hyper inflated, I knew this ahead of time and so I made sure to find a Couch Surfing host to avoid hemorrhaging money. A week a before arriving I contacted a young Ukrainian family, they quickly responded and accepted my couch request. Natasha, Pasha, and Masha are the next generation of traveler; they are a family unit which has sloughed off the traditional belief that once a child is born the family must become sessile. Natsha, Pasha, and little Masha move just as most travelers do, they use whatever means of transport is available and hitchhiking when it suits them and stay in hotels and guesthouses just as I do, the only difference is that they have a 3 year old child with them. I must admit my own prejudices to this lifestyle, convention taught me that this type of life would be detrimental to the young mind of Masha, that somehow traveling might cause confusion or muddle her development, while living with Natasha, Pasha, and Masha I was forced to confront these pre-judgements for the first time. It is now clear to me that this life that they have chosen is in fact no different than a life spent at home. In fact I now see that this lifestyle is better than convention, Natasha and Pasha are following a passion for travel which brings both of them happiness, neither of them experience the doldrumous period of child rearing which is conventionally seen in young mothers, Masha is learning the language of her mother and father (Russian and some Ukranian) as well as absorbing the international language of English, the family is completely happy because they are doing exactly what they are wanting to do there is something to be said about this life choice they have made.


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