I agree with you entirely. Even while writing that post, the first thing that came to mind was that I should walk away from that article, and remember what I wrote about in this entry. Introverted people tend to be highly critical of themselves, so usually if I write something addressing the general public I can assure you that I've gotten my own lecture as well. The reason my actions seem to conflict with my words is partly due to the fact that when I think of these things, it's fairly obvious (just by the article in question) that people aren't doing this. I am usually one of them, like I said earlier. However, I can't help but wonder if other people even see this the way I do. It's been my experience that many people don't see things the way I do. I'm nowhere's near arrogant enough to expect anyone to take my words into consideration, but what would a journal be without my own thoughts? Most of the things I point out as being problems with people have already been pointed at me. What I mean to say is: I try to practice, or at least think about many of the things I view as wrong, or right for that matter. Anyways I hope this early morning attempt to clear things up helped somewhat. I also want to thank you for the mature/well developed approach to calling my ideas into question. Maybe this will show some people out there I won't bite off anyones head who approaches me in a less confrontational manner.
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