not sure

Apr 11, 2004 02:01

its 2 am tonight, with the forthcoming day being easter.

i worked 8 hours this morning, but i really dont remember much of it, because it seems so long ago. i think my body forgot that i woke up at 7:15 today and been goin strong since. but hey, it makes up for last night when i was dead tired at like 6 pm.

tomorrow im goin to my first sox game of the year, against toronto. im goin with Chase from work, cuz he has season tix, and its going to be schillings first game in a sox uniform, which the crowd is gonna love. im not getting hammered or anything, just cant wait to watch some good live baseball.

almost everything ive done lately has in some way been related to baseball, its not really healthy. this past monday i watched baseball from 1-1, with a trip to boston somewhere in that 12 hour span. since then, its just been constant, and im gonna need a break soon, but its tough because its on so much every day, and we can watch every game.

i really need to get out more, which is pretty obvious, but i need to do work too. i really havent done enough work on this 50 page paper thing, not to say im necessarily behind, but i just havent really focused on it yet, cuz we still have a few weeks to do it. but we're gonna change habits a little bit here, although not really for the reasons you'd expect, but itll allow me to spend more time on studying
Djibouti and how America has worked with them in regards to foreign policy........yep, im pretty pysched.

i need some money management classes. ever since the florida trip ive had no money, and its just really hard to picture a time when ill actually start saving. so many bills to pay (although i could and should have more) and im just so far behind on some things, mostly cuz i dont have enough money. its all my fault, and i am working 15 hours more a week, so thatll help, but theres so many things i dont need that i know i will spend money on. it really does come down to wants and needs for me, yet i almost always manage to find a way to get the wants. im a bastard that way i guess

i do want to start going out more, but again it involves money and time, and i only --------- live update

jim just called me into the living room to watch the tv...and he's watching the food network do Iron Chef with dubbed american gag voices...its weird. but they have live octopus they have to kill and cook and prepare like 4 dishes with, and 2 of the octopi were pretty large. crazy asian people and they're live cooking.

anyways, i dont have money and cant figure out how to go out without it, and i dont really try very hard, so i just watch baseball, cuz thats where my money is invested. we love having people over, and we played poker for a while tonight. earlier we played a $5 hand and dale won, and tonight we played for $20 with the winner getting 40 and 2nd place 20, and the loser getting jack. jim lost on a good all in that i won like $40 out of, and then me and dale played for like a half hour just pretty much equaling up by like 10 dollars right now, but we'll finish tomorrow.

when i read the Herald today at work, i read the horoscope, and for virgos it said something like "writing is what you do best...diaries and journals are there for you to express yourself, but they have locks and computers have passwords for a reason", and i just thought it was kind of weird.

there was also some weird article by some whore that said she was obsessed with blogs. and she used all weird blog lingo, and compared her obsession to that of a school girl with a crush on brad pitt or something. fucking terrible writing. this is the field im trying to compete in? heres hoping my desire doesnt fade away soon with the rest of my hopes and dreams...
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