Yay still alive! Been keeping busy with work and guitar and art and books. Oh I found an old copy of Around the world in eighty days and 20,000 leagues under the sea. I love old leather cover hardbacks with pages with foil edges, they just feel more... bookish. Is that weird? I think I'm turning more english every day. It's odd. I don't think I should fight it. In other books news I was digging through my grandfathers old stuff here and I found a 1940 edition of T. E. Lawrences 'The Seven Pillars of Wisdom' which is what 'Revolt in the Desert' is an abridged version of (which I found in my grandmothers old stuff, an odd coincidence). I'm only several pages in but it's already fascinating. If you're not familiar with T. E. Lawrence heres a wiki link
Also I'm going to participate in a focus group. I get 50 bucks for 2 hours of my time and I get dessert and coffee! Those fools, I would have done it for the dessert.
oh and bonsai class tommorrow!
I think I'm going to ask for the Macguyver DVDs for Christmas.