The eternal Saturday battle. "Yes, you have to leave the house. Yes, you have to do it before noon. No, you cannot sit around staring at the computer for another two hours. Yes, you have to go to the bank. Yes, you have to pay rent in a few days' time and must have money to cover it. Yes, you must wear clothes to the bank, and the teller would appreciate it if you brushed your teeth, too. No, you don't have to go to the grocery store, but if you were to buy milk your body would thank you.
"And if you get this done like you're supposed to, I'll give you a reward."
(Bribing myself always works.)
It was going to be fast food for lunch (which made me realize that I really should have gone to the grocery store). But then I got frustrated trying to turn left out of the bank and instead turned right. And every time I turn right, I start to think, "I'm halfway to Target already!" So I went to Target. And I ended up rewarding myself for more than just going to the bank.
I read about glass frames in the dollar bins on LJ, so that was my bank reward. The rest was a combination of my birthday present from my grandparents, a preemptive reward for cleaning my apartment, and an unknown celebratory purchase for my shiny new car tag waiting for me in my mailbox.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I finally have a car tag! No more stupid dealer tag that peels off in the rain and no more ulcers wondering if the thing will get to me in time, if at all.
I found a great vase for my bathroom today, but it's bigger than the old one and I need more rocks to fill it.
This is turning into the best weekend ever! Last night I spent with
dave1217 and
jennibug04, and I had an absolute blast. Eating yummy Italian food, getting to see a cute baby, resisting the urge to splurge on CDs, savoring blueberry cheesecake ice cream, and best of all--spending the entire evening with people I love. This, of course, was after I got off work at 12:30 and spent the afternoon at my mom's house. If I had planned ahead better, it wouldn't have coincided with her hair appointment and I could have seen her longer, but we still had fun.
Today, Jen calls me and asks me what I'm doing for dinner tonight. "Dinner tonight? Don't you live thirteen hours away?" But it turns out she's in town and I'm going to forgive her for calling everyone else first because they all have better things to do and I'll get to see her after all! And we're going to La Madeleine, which is exciting because I've never had French food before. Even American French.
All I need now is a knock on my door for the world to be perfect. But if I have dinner plans, I really must get my ass in gear. The cleaning will have to be done tomorrow; I did at least get the dishwasher loaded. Woot! *happy dance*