Random Fandom Blather VI: These are a few...

Jul 27, 2012 00:01

...of my faaaavorite (fandom) thiiiiings!

Since the gods of labor have seen fit to give me a temporary respite (only ten crushing work deadlines instead of the usual baker's dozen, deo gratias), I am putting that time to good use by...dipping into the fandom waters, of course. Taking the temperature. Seeing what's out there. And...boy howdy. There sure as hell's a lot goin' on.

One of the interesting side effects of social media's ascendancy is the intensified and shortened frequency of fandom lifecycles. Back in the day (pull up a chair here by the fire, young'uns) a fandom's life was an attenuated phenomenon, fostered at a leisurely rate by the ancient technologies of 'zines, IRC, and samizdat VHS. Today, thanks to the crack-like instant gratification of Tumblr, LJ, AO3, Dreamwidth, Twitter, Netflix, torrents, chat, even freakin' Pinterest, the waves of fandom are breaking ever higher and faster upon the pop culture shores.

Sometimes a gal needs to take a few steps back, sit upon the sands, and contemplate life.

Which got me thinking about fandoms I have known and loved. What I appreciate about them. The stories, the plot and character developments, the world building, the immersive alternate universes, the... Okay, fine. Cutting to the chase:


John Shep(p)ards




Cops with Impulse-control Issues

Aaand...Ancient Bros

Thank you, gentlemen, it's been a pleasure.

stargate, mass effect, h50, tom hardy, band of brothers, joseph gordon-levitt, due south, the eagle, inception, justified, generation kill, the sentinel, blather, jeremy renner

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