Dec 15, 2012 22:56
There's nothing like a "national tragedy" like the recent school shooting in Connecticut to bring out the self-righteous citizenry eager to foist their opinions upon us about why this happened and What It All Means. A sophisticated understanding of the facts is not necessary for this endeavor, which requires only knee-jerk reactions and gratuitous photographs of weeping children or blood-stained floors. People are falling all over themselves to out-do one another with their sensitive Facebook posts and sound bites for the evening news, and can't wait to tell you how long they cried when they heard the story. The media are slavering all over themselves at the "drama" and the "controversy" because no matter how you spin it, this kind of shit means bank for them.
If only [insert type of gun] were banned...
If only American society hadn't turned its back on God...
If only everybody had access to mental health care...
I have had so many theories shoved down my throat that I've had enough, and in a little self-appreciated hypocrisy, I'm now going to tell you MY opinion. My opinion is that I don't know and neither do you. So what if ALL guns were banned? People have come up with way more brutal and devastating methods of mass murder than guns. If you think you can come up with a solid argument about how this could have been avoided if everybody loved God as much as you, I have a couple of Crusades I'd like to introduce you to. How do you know if that guy did or didn't have access to all the mental health care he wanted, or that he'd use it if he did?
As the computer nerd said in American Dad, "The problem with the real world is that things often suck." There is no way to know what, if anything, might have stopped this guy from doing what he did. What I do know is that none of you have to go home and look at your child's empty chair at the dinner table like those people do, and none of you have any right to be using someone else's dead kids as your soapbox. Quit spinning this tragedy into evidence for whatever it is you currently wish to blame for everything that's wrong with America.