- 02:25 @ katetorralba drink a lot of gatorade so you're hydrated :) get well soon Kate! #katetorralba #
- 02:26 @ rockedradio yeah but RockEd Radio scooped them hahaha! :) #rockedradio #
- 02:27 RT @gangbadoy: Foreign press inquiring - did Richard Gutierrez save anyone else? If u know eyewitness fr Provident msg me. @iloveruffag #
- 02:54 copy and paste pastie.org/642625 (Bloodletting by DRIP on your blog/s) #dripmanila #drip #indie #opm #m... plurk.com/p/263jri #
- 03:05 Us-2-Evil-0 - This Mighty Heart Attack: from here
"... hurrah! finally something on this channel i did not d.. bit.ly/19M6B0 # - 03:29 @ iloveruffag can't dm you, you need to follow me :P #
- 03:34 @ celinejaotan good for you! use the #e-bzns1 #benilde hashtags so I can locate your tweets easier :) #
- 03:39 RT @paulosuzart: see this hack to deploy #jersey applications on #gae In dev mode everything goes fine, falling in prod bit.ly/Mu7Wd #
- 03:56 @ paulosuzart thanks for this looking for a CRM/retail SCM/ERP/ecommerce/POS app I can fork into #gae teaching vertical solutions for retail! #
- 05:10 @ katetorralba it's time for breakfast! you want to grab something to eat hahaha #
- 06:08 (music) tinyurl.com/ydktpuq (... Father I love you ...) (music) haven't heard that song in a while! hat... plurk.com/p/26467n #
- 07:07 tinyurl.com/yccp7l2 (from 1 to 1,000,000) plurk.com/p/264em9 #
- 07:24 tinyurl.com/mhnkbt (Be like Einstein: Accomplish MORE by DOING LESS) #einstein plurk.com/p/264hcb #
- 07:30 tinyurl.com/y8fycrg (racism in online dating?) #racism #online #dating plurk.com/p/264igt #
- 17:41 VERTSOL students - class tomorrow for 6-730pm and 740-915pm will be at CL3 plurk.com/p/26art6 #
- 20:40 [vertsol] Short life of exclusivity: “Morgan Stanley analyst Kathryn Huberty believes iPhone sal.. bit.ly/3bLd5A #
- 21:10 [vertsol] Adobe to offer Flash to iPhone developers: “NEW YORK - Adobe Systems says developers f.. bit.ly/2AQrp #
- 21:10 [vertsol] 10 Myths About Selecting a Retail System: Myth #1 - If it works for other retailers, it will.. bit.ly/ekdcV #
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