Alright so, it's 10:24 PM and I am talking to my bestest friend on the phone. Yeah, I know it's late but I'm bored, he loves me, and he likes to talk to me on the phone this late. =) Now hopefully my phones charge. Oh and the subject. Something he said because he wants to cuddle and what better person to cuddle with then his ultimate love interest. *points to self* Hah. I'm sweet. =)
Well, tomorrows Noblemen's. Not too excited. Dances aren't my thing buut I might just listen to my iPod the whole time. Jammin' out to Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, KoRn, and Slayer. Yes, it shall be fun. =) Paige looves her heavy metal. Bah and it doesn't feel like a Friday. I am so bored and it feels weird because my parents aren't put drinking but they did just get home from Vegas yesterday so they need to unwind and who knows. Maybe people will be over tomorrow. ;)
Bah!! I want to go walk arouuunnnddd town! DDDDD= Hah random. Alright, Chris is getting annoyed. I'll write tomorrow about how the dance, hopefully not as sucky as homecoming. =\ Alright, later.