GEt This!!!
My mom (Thurday night) overheard me explaining to a friend my sexual status...whether im a virgin or not (ITS QUESTIONABLE) so anyways:
Friday I get home and she tells me that I HAVE to tell her WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY and Im like F-that your CRAZY I aint tellin yu SHYT!!! haha needless to say she didnt like hearing that when she is trying to be a concerned parent and get some info from me so she keeps asking.
If you know me well, you know that I dont have that relationship with my mother its more like she is the BANK I dont really like her but without her I wouldnt have money or means of transportation to do what I want. lol Its horrible but she doesnt really deserve better from ME @ least... she fucked up my life with the Who's-your-Daddy Drama lol.
So pretty much she grounded me, I cussed her out, went to my room and proceeded to sleep from 4pm-9am, woke up finished homework, took a shower, read Harry Potter (REALLY GOOD SO FAR), the came upstairs again to tell her she is being an idiot and to unground me... to which she says FINE
So Im not grounded anymore but its kinda funny still cuz I got grounded for not having a good enough relationship to tell her if Im having sex or not... IRONIC?