Aug 14, 2005 21:12
For those of you who don't know I got caught sneaking off to Bang last night. Yes I lied to my parents and they miraculously found out. I don't mean that sarcastically. They have "lost all trust in me and don't know if they will ever trust me again," also they would like to know "if it was worth losing their trust for a night of dancing," my father even asked me with a sad shake of his head "why'd you do it?" They make it sound like I raped and murdered an 8 year old. Now I admit I fucked up and shouldn't have lied but I can't help but feel like their over reacting. I don't know I'm obviously biased but I know that I'm a good person in general. I don't do this to my parents to fuck them over I do it to go dancing or whatever. I don't know I'm just really annoyed that I'm in trouble and I'm moving out in two weeks and turning 19 in two months. It just all seems a little ridiculous.
I don't know if I'm grounded. I had to stay home and do chores all day long and my mom keeps talking about how were going dorm room shopping tomorrow. They took the car and I might not get to take it to school. I can't talk to my friends I can't go on aim or use the phone. My mom no longer has a job so she will be home with me all day there by foiling (is that the right word?) any escape/visit attempts.
I don't even care if they're mad at me. I don't care if they take the car and I don't care about all the chores. I just don't want to miss any opportunities to see my friends before they leave. I think I'm going to go cry now about a little bit of everything. I just don't want my parents to think I'm crying because of them.
Wes, Ryan, Lain, Tany, Hannah... anyone who I'm missing chances to see because of this. I just want to apologize to you.