His Mom Still Makes Pecan Pies.

Apr 20, 2005 17:20

CorporalAssbag:  your mom gave me herpes
Auto response from GeneralDouche:  I am away from my computer right now.
GeneralDouche:  your mom gave me a vaginal rash.
CorporalAssbag:  ...i knew you were a girl.

CorporalAssbag:  i could kill a beanie baby
GeneralDouche:  i'm sure you could.
CorporalAssbag:  don't mock me.. i could! ...but you couldn't... you're too weak...! AND YOUR MOM STILL MAKES PECAN PIES!
GeneralDouche:  oooh...I could kill many beanie babies..my strength in that area is unmatchable..AND YOUR MOM STILL GETS HER HAIR DONE!!!
CorporalAssbag:  LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
CorporalAssbag:  ...2
GeneralDouche:  3...
GeneralDouche:  I'm ashamed of you.
CorporalAssbag:  ...4
CorporalAssbag:  you're insignificant
GeneralDouche:  5...
GeneralDouche:  You're inferior.
CorporalAssbag:  ...6
CorporalAssbag:  your mom makes pecan pies.
GeneralDouche:  7...
GeneralDouche:  your mom gets her hair done.
CorporalAssbag:  ...8
CorporalAssbag:  i could kill a boy
GeneralDouche:  9...
GeneralDouche:  girls beat me up.
CorporalAssbag:  ...10
GeneralDouche:  I'm sorry, that was an embarrassing revelation.
CorporalAssbag:  i know, that was me and hong kong last week.
GeneralDouche:  11...
GeneralDouche:  I will beat you and hong kong with a frozen corn dog.
CorporalAssbag:  ...12
CorporalAssbag:  LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111222223333333444556677889
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