That was a very good season, Moffat!
I just read Meg's excellent
post about sexism in RTD vs Moffat eras and so TOTALLY agree. (The reason I adore Martha so much is that I've kinda rewritten a good deal of her storyline in my head to reflect how awesome she clearly is, rather than the mess that was made of her time in the TARDIS.) Anyway. LOVED the finale. Especially the handcuffs. I want to go back and watch the library eps so i can see all of that from River's POV now. Though if the Doctor didn't tell her his name...hmmm, must come later. He knows he does - I know the doctor lies, but poor Ten's FACE when she tells him in the library means he tells her at some point.
Would it really be so bad if we lived in a world with Charles Dickens doing morning shows to promote his new book and cars hooked up to hot air balloons? And pterodactyls???