Feb 07, 2011 19:12
The internet is being excruciatingly slow at the moment, so I'm letting my next ep of BSG load (don't worry, its only my second today...on second though, worry, it's only 6:45) and actually making a post to LJ. Life update!
School: I'm rather pleased with myself at the moment, because I was actually helpful in a group project and gave us a focus and direction. We have to write six questions to ask a director of a library. We each have to choose a director, but we write out questions in groups. I formatted all the suggested questions in a table to make them easier to read. So apparently all the formatting stuff is useful for something. Interestingly, complex tables paste into an html box much easier than straight text, both from a word doc. WEIRD. I need to find a director to interview, face to face. I have a fantasy of interviewing Linda Garvey - the director of the Phoenix Public Library system, because Michael goes kayaking with her husband. I feel awkward asking though. And she has to be ridiculously busy. Otherwise I'll look into asking the tempe director, though I've never met them and I think another person in my group is going to choose the same person, grr. We'll see. I also went to the scottsdale library today and asked about volunteering with kids and got a form.
Work: Rather boring. Hopefully further on this week I'll have stuff to do, but as it is I searched for the perfect image of wall insulation so that I could put off going back to searching for pointless images in a mockery of work. On the plus side, I made an extensive queue of vitamin string quartet covers on youtube and listened to them all day. I love VSQ - they make everything sound so pretty!
Play: Soooo, I've become rather (read: completely) obsessed with Battlestar Galactica. I knew I would, which is why I've avoided watching it. But then Tina started ranting about Starbuck and then I went to the netflix page and saw it had Jamie Bamber, and I really can't say no to Bamber. So I'm almost done with the first season (which I started less than a week ago). Wilson's also watching it, though thanks to our differing schedules, we mostly don't watch them together. I might be getting Dani hooked, but I kinda want her to keep watching Dollhouse, since no one else is and dammit, I never really got to discuss that show. We went climbing last night. I have two more 5.9s to do and then I really can't avoid beginning 5.10s which don't look nearly as fun, though I know they will be, eventually. We managed to hook Wilson's friend Jeff in one hour last night. Usually it takes a little longer! I've accumulated five guest passes, which I need to start making use of, too. At the library today I got the Avenue Q soundtrack, so I can finally hear the stuff they haven't put on Pandora, and Fragile Things, in audiobook form, read by Neil Gaiman. I wavered for quite a while between this and Sense and Sensibility, which I've never read, and austen is a really good length for an audiobook. If they go on too long, they can be irritating. But Gaiman's voice is NEVER irritating and I just couldn't put it back... so Austen will be next. Audiobooks solve two problems in the car. What I should listen to, and what I should let other people listen to when they ride in my car. (This is usually only Wilson or Lena). See, I like the concept of introducing people to new music, but generally, they don't seem to like it that much and that's rather awkward. So we listen to the radio and I feel no compulsion to introduce them to audiobooks, for some reason. But on my own I get to listen to Neil reading short stories. ^_^