Last night was not only the worst yet, it felt downright dangerous. I am once again at my parents’ computer, but this time I’m staying here. We fled our house - literally fled - at 6:30 this morning. We wanted to leave earlier but were afraid of drawing attention to ourselves. We won’t be staying another night in that house if we can possibly help it.
We went to bed at about midnight after my sister’s birthday party, and the music started at 2:30 from the neighbours we took to the tribunal. Steve called Noise Control, and for once, they arrived in time. We could hear the abrupt cessation of the music, for which we were only momentarily grateful. Then the neighbour started shouting. And when I say shouting, I mean the most vile expletive-laden shouting. Then he started fighting with the guy next door. They went on, without a SINGLE break, for over two solid hours.
This went on till six, at which time the music started again, inhumanly loud. And the song choice? 'Killing in the Name Of' by RATM. We were lying there listening to it, and I said “That is just ridiculous. They’re clearly trying to call out whoever called Noise Control on them, to try to figure out who it is. We mustn’t call.”
From about six until 6:30 we discussed physically getting out of the house, but didn’t feel we could, because our driveway is partially visible to the people behind us. At 6:30 we finally made a break for it with hastily-packed bags; in such a hurry I forgot my glasses and am consequently blind as a bat.
So, the good stuff. Lying in the dark for five hours feeling a tide of hatred flowing your way is a very scary experience. I have a stomachache like someone’s tied a knot in the middle of me. But at the same time we did not feel helpless by any means. We knew we were surrounded by God’s protection, no-one was going to come through that fence. In fact, I feel nothing so much as a profound gratitude to God; a deep thankfulness that I am me and was not born into a family such as the one next to us; that we have a place to escape to; that we are financially comfortable enough to be able to pay the mortgage; that we don’t have any kids to make this situation infinitely more serious; and that we have God to guide us through every step, to lean on at every moment. It’s just us we need to worry about, no-one else, and we are in such a good position mentally and physically to do it. So in a way, a new chapter starts for us today. Be interesting to see what it says.