The symbol formerly known as

Aug 21, 2007 14:13

Ok, some people just need to GET A GRIP. From the Herald yesterday. “A Chinese couple tried to name their baby "@", claiming the character used in email addresses echoed their love for the child, an official said.”

@, people, @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually don’t have the words. The tide of black sorrow threatening to engulf me in hopeless misery at the one-brain-celled amoebic idiocy of the world is almost overwhelming. But, in the spirit of the brainless stupidity that seems to be the deciding factor when naming children in the 21st century, Hannah and I have been fighting over children’s names again. (By the way, if you scroll back to June 25th you’ll see that I’m SO ahead of the pack when it comes to this issue.)

I say that Ampersand is really pretty, while she’s arguing that Ellipsus would just set a child up for life. Here are our other ideas.

Sedilla Dot Dot Dash

Comma Forward Slash

Double-Quote Bracket

And the simple but effective… Hash-Colon.

(I must admit, I wrote the above when I thought it was a NZ couple. It’s made slightly more palatable by the fact that perhaps @ means something when translated into Chinese etc etc. But I still think it’s stupid.)


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