Viridian with envy (It’s green mixed with blue. Very appropriate.)

Jun 27, 2007 15:26

Just got the following text from Dad: “Sitting in my fabulous room in Oxford with a big bay window giving a leafy view across to the spires of the old town about a mile away. Having tea and biscuits with the windows wide open, before a walk along the river bank into the town. Tomorrow is my CS Lewis-filled day!”

Going home immediately to have tea and biscuits and watch Shadowlands, of which I have two copies in case one gets mangled in the video. I'm sure in Oxford they have first editions of his books just lying about in the streets and propping up the wobbly tables in cafes where old men in tweed coats and trilbys and hand-carved walking sticks talk about literature in front of the fire while eating their Devonshire teas complete with fresh-churned butter, homemade jam and REAL CLOTTED CREAM. I'm so jealous I could spit.

c. s. lewis, oxford

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