How to Keep a Man: Part One

Apr 16, 2007 14:16

While in the States I searched every antique shop I saw for old LIFE magazines and Saturday Evening Posts. The best things about these mags are reading about historical events from an immediate perspective, and the ads. Sexist, ageist, chauvinist, racist, you-name-it-ist, they're unbelievable. The best magazine I bought was a Saturday Evening Post from 1936 with an original Norman Rockwell cover. I've loved Rockwell's work since I was a child and Dad brought home a big book of his Post covers. I never thought I'd see one in the flesh, let alone own one, much less one of my favourites. So here it is (a little chopped because of my scanner) along with an ad from the same mag, which is one of the most sexist ads I've seen in any of the mags I bought.

I especially love how in the penultimate panel Ed is chatting up some other chick (who probably used Ivory while washing her dishes that day) - the subtle implication being that dammit, you could lose your man without Ivory! After all, Ed was worried enough about his wife's unsightly hands to tell his mum about it. I hope Kay learned her lesson. (More ads to come - I've got some great ones lined up.)

Also, here's my latest painting (going wild on Photobucket today), which I can post now that the friend I painted it for has seen it. I'm in the middle of two other gift paintings, and have a huge Venice panel planned for myself as well as an idea that could turn into a series. Not enough hours in the weekends!

painting, vintage

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