Broke out of hiatus temporarily to post this, so um, listen up! After waiting for as many people as possible to vote, do the survey and all, I think it all sums up to one thing.
Everyone, as of now, is either very busy with their own lives and really really doesn't have the time to do this. The recent challenges proved much of this theory with the number of submissions and the number of votes for each league voting post. As of now, I actually...only have three votes on the SL and on the JL. Many replies on the survey also felt that the Round could be closed and opened sometime in the future when everyone else has more time to work on pages.
As such, as both me and Alice (
atroquinine) have discussed, the current round, Round 01, will be renamed as Round Beta, and closed. I greatly apologise for this sudden closure as we've noticed a steady rate of people simply not submitting and mass skips - so for now, this community will be placed on hiatus until further notice. We thank those who've joined us for this round and held on; and we're not ungrateful for you guys still here.
Results for this round will not be broken out - neither will there be a showcase, because, well, I actually have exams until late May, and about the same goes for Alice, I think. However, because of this, all participants in this round are now allowed to publicise their pages for further use as of now.
As I said earlier, we're not ungrateful for the participation we started with. With this in mind, the moderators have come up with this.
Each participant will receive the following for their participation from the sign-ups of ROUND BETA; one specially personalized banner for participation with a picture of the avatar you chose, and one specially made icon of that avatar also. All banners and JL icons will be made by
kirikaito, and the SL icons by
atroquinine. This only applies if you do comment to this post, similar to the following format:
kirikaitoLeague: Senior/Junior
Avatar: Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Banner picture to be used:
Icon picture to be used:
* means that is optional, so if you do not provide a picture, I'll get a random one to color, seriously.
These icons are therefore, like that of a request, so uh, if you feel you do not want them/the banner, just comment. For those whom I owe banners for the previous challenges, it will be done along with this batch. And for those whom critiques never got to them, please comment along to this post - I'll try to do what I can to get them! These prizes/awards will not be done until late May/early June, so I hope you can afford to wait! D:
Once again, we thank everyone who has been here! Comments are not screened, so feel free to scream out your identities or shoot one another or whatever you want to do >_> Annnd if you hated the really retarded moderation at the beginning, SHOOT ME, NOT ALICE. :'D Good luck for those of you with exams, and those of you who don't, enjoy yourselves!