Dec 29, 2005 16:27
Well, after five horrid christmases this one was a corker! My house was full of people laughing, eating and drinking from lunch time until three in the morning, I was exhausted but very smug and very happy. Even my lovely son was positive and praised me in front of out guests. You could have knocked me down with a...rizzla.
The meal was great, the company was great and those 'I hate Xmas blues' banished. Good news, too on the work front. I will be getting two peices about lyme published in February, and I've got some proof reading work. At last I feel like a useful human being again instead of just a sicko.
My aim for this year? Now I have a good group of freinds and get the fun I need, there are two THINGs I want. A camper van and a laptop. Then I can go a-wandering and still write wherever I am. The thought really appeals to me. I have freinds all over the country I'd love to visit but can't. With my own space to sleep, there's really nothing to stop me.
Watch out 2006, I'm back and I'm ready for some changes........