Oct 06, 2003 22:24
i hate it when everything conspires against me to make me not sleep. so i tried to go to sleep at like 11. no dice...so i tossed and turned until about 1. then i started to read. i read until about 4:45. finally fell asleep. im supposed to get up at 5:30 so i can be at work by 6. so i wake up and look at the clock and it says 5:45 so i leap out of bed and get "dressed" (unbuttoned khakis, and untucked best buy shirt) and drive over...when i park i glance at the clock in my car and realized that i read my alarm clock wrong...it said 5:15....so i arrived half an hour early....for nothing...
ouchie....yeah...work was boring but it was only 4 hours so that was good...and i didnt have to see my Sup. Donald. so bonus there. after that i called evan and picked him up...we visited MC which was a total trip. hahahahahahaha Mal hates me sooooo much. excellent. and then Quizno's and hang-outtie with Vickie and Evan.
then evan get all huffy over some things said in haste and we leave her house, play pool and i WHOMP on him. then we had a great summer memory...we walked to 7ies and get slurpees...its kinda hot so we sit in front of 711 and drink the slurpees while talking about random shit....then i take him home and blah blah blah mr. ducky likes earthquakes because tectonic plates are superbuallytasticacious......just checkin...u still with me? ok good...
blah....so tired.
oh and ober...ludacris is great and all....but no one can defeat outkast...ever.