Oct 15, 2010 13:25
As a teenager, when I wanted to think, when I was upset about something or when I just needed to get away, I would take a walk. We lived in a neighborhood that was not often disturbed by traffic, so it was relatively safe to walk down the street in the middle of the street. The best walks I took were rain-walks. For as long as I can remember, I have loved the rain…the sound of it against the windows; the smell in the air after a long, hard rain; the feel of it hitting my head, my arms, my body. It was energizing and cleansing, and I dare say it helped me think.
Many cultures consider water to be a cleansing element; a purifier. Major faiths incorporate ritual washing/baths, immersion and cleansing as a show of faith/trust. Some faiths use holy water - water that has been specially prepared for religious purposes - and consider certain bodies of water to be sacred.
So, back to the rain. And walking in the rain. I loved watching the rain fall and glisten on leaves and flowers and blades of grass. It drenched my hair and my clothes, and rested on my eyelashes, blurring my vision and clarifying my mind. Hence the feeling of being cleansed. Rain can wash away dirt and grime and other nastiness…and if you stand in the rain and open up to it, the rain can clear away negativity, help to clear your mind, and just plain make you feel better. That is, if you like the rain. I have never felt more grounded than when I stood, knee deep, in the ocean while it was raining. I have convinced others to join me as I dance in the rain, run and jump in puddles and generally enjoy a good rain storm with the openness and enthusiasm of a child.
And, now that I have a child of my own, I look forward to the day she is old enough to dance in the rain with me, running and jumping in the puddles in the most carefree manner.