The Fall Garden....

Oct 15, 2015 10:14

Nights are getting Crisp but Days are still Hot. The Summer Veg except for one pot of Cukes is done. My ‘Ishikura’ Green Onions and Red Turnips haven’t sprouted but my ‘Ohura’ Daikons are doing well. The ‘Yuzu’ Lemon has a few Yellowing leaves so it may need some Iron supplementing. The Mohlukia’s doing well and has eclipsed the Chaya for Greens in Soups. I think the Cool Nights have slowed Growth in the latter.
I haven’t seen any Hummingbirds in almost a week so it may be that those locally Migrate about now. I’ll keep one of the small Feeders up all yr ‘cause I know from newspaper reports locally that some, BECAUSE of the Feeders don’t Migrate. A smaller sticky mess in the kitchen;>. Right now, for the cats’ entertainment the local tree frogs find our windows prefect; Warmer at Night and Cooler during the day. Living Stickers;>!
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